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Theodore Murphy

Steve Cotter Science Of Kettlebell Push Pull Torrent 21 ^HOT^

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Steve Cotter Science Of Kettlebell Push Pull Torrent 21

included in the extreme strength dvd program is 36 follow along workouts (weeks 7-12 repeat with weight modifications), a joint mobility warm up and 2 cool down routines. also included is a separate in-depth instructional section where steve teaches the fine points of every single exercises that you will be using during the entire 12 week program. this includes every kettlebell lift and all of the barbell exercises in the program. you also receive the extreme strength training log that displays every single exercise, set count and repetition that you will be doing during the entire 12 weeks.

i am fully confident that this system will allow you to reach your maximum potential to not only become a more functional kettlebell lifter but also become a more physically fit and leaner athlete. i really appreciate you sharing this incredible knowledge with us and i am honored to have you as a friend. i look forward to following your progress and continue to further your knowledge. thanks again steve and have a great training day!



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